
Research Article Image

Adaptive Hyperbolic Unit (AHU): A Novel Activation Function for Neural Networks

Research Deep Learning Activation Function Neural Networks TensorFlow

This article introduces the Adaptive Hyperbolic Unit (AHU), a novel activation function designed to improve gradient flow and convergence behavior in deep neural networks. AHU combines linear and non-linear components in a piecewise manner with trainable parameters, showing superior representational capacity and robustness against vanishing gradients compared to ReLU and Tanh.

HumanFaceDetection Project Image


Django Python Machine Learning Deep Learning OpenCV Pillow TensorFlow Docker MTCNN Computer Vision

A small application for detecting human faces using a pre-trained deep learning model with TensorFlow and MTCNN. The interface is built with Django, allowing users to upload images and receive a prediction on whether the image contains a human face. This project also utilizes OpenCV and Pillow for image processing, and Docker for containerization.

BACIP Research Project Image

Blockchain Academic Credential Interoperability Protocol (BACIP)

Research Blockchain Zero-Knowledge Proofs Cybersecurity Solidity Smart Contracts

A research project introducing the Blockchain Academic Credential Interoperability Protocol (BACIP) designed to enhance the security, privacy, and interoperability of verifying academic credentials globally. BACIP integrates dual blockchain architecture, smart contracts, and zero-knowledge proofs to offer a scalable and transparent framework aimed at reducing fraud and improving the mobility and opportunities for students and professionals worldwide.

Beloved Garden Web Project Image

Beloved Garden Web

HTML Bootstrap AWS S3 Responsive Design CSS

A simple website for a gardening company, built with HTML and Bootstrap. Hosted on AWS using S3 buckets, it's a static, responsive web application with CSS for styling.